Many of you may recall that in 2005, Ward 29 Councillor Mr. Case Ootes convinced Toronto City Council to allow motorcycles and scooters to park for free at the city’s park-and-display metered spaces. Fast-forward to May of this year when a proposal by Mr. Ootes was presented to Toronto’s Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, requesting the committee explore the possibility of allowing motorized two-wheeled vehicles to use the city’s HOV lanes. Currently, Toronto’s HOV lanes only allow access to vehicles with three or more passengers.
That proposal has now materialized into a recommendation by the committee to allow motorcycles and scooters access to the HOV lanes on city streets. BRAVO! And a huge round of applause to the Public Works Committee, and especially to Councillor Ootes, for recognizing the benefits to be gained by this decision. The benefits of increased fuel economy, rider safety, improved highway congestion and less vehicle omissions significantly underscore the need to ease the HOV requirements.
Now wouldn’t it be a perfect world if the Ontario Liberals would follow Toronto’s lead? At present, only passenger vehicles carrying two or more people can use High Occupancy Vehicle lanes on Ontario highways legally.
The Ontario Confederation of Clubs asks that all motorcyclists contact their MPP requesting that the Province of Ontario seriously look into the benefits of allowing single rider, motorized two-wheeled vehicles to legally use the Ontario HOV lanes.
Larry Lilly OCC Treasurer