Many individuals, and groups, inside the motorcycling community incorrectly envision the O.C.C. as an organization with a narrow purview. This assumption could not be further from the truth. Yes, we are political in our insistence that bikers have rights, and that those rights should be respected the same as any other citizen regardless of affiliation. Yes, we are also political in our insistence that changes be made to the Highway Traffic Act to address motorcycling safety issues. Yes, we are political in our insistence that the citing of unfounded infractions of the Highway Traffic Act should cease being used by police as a method of harassment that presents an unnecessary burden on our legal system. And yes, we are here to ensure that all of us, every last one of us that rides for enjoyment, are safe, respected and treated no differently than any other lifestyle participant. Political mandates aside, we are also riders, parents, taxpayers, workers and citizens of Canada.
All bikers can benefit from involvement with the O.C.C. either by joining as a member or by participating in our fundraising efforts. Remember, you do not have to be a clubber to enjoy membership. The O.C.C. also offers Independent Membership with dues pegged at $25.00 per year.
Larry Lilly O.C.C. Treasurer